Understanding Upright and Reversed Tarot Cards

  1. Tarot Readings
  2. Interpreting Tarot Cards
  3. Upright and Reversed Cards

The tarot is an ancient divination tool that has been used for centuries to gain insight into life’s questions and decisions. The tarot is composed of 78 cards, with each card having its own unique meaning. While some of the cards are more straightforward, such as the major arcana cards, other cards, like the court cards, can be difficult to interpret. To help you understand the tarot better, it's important to understand the difference between upright and reversed tarot cards.

Upright cards are cards that are drawn in their natural orientation, with the picture facing up. Reversed cards are drawn upside down, with the image facing down. Each card has a different interpretation depending on whether it is upright or reversed. In this article, we will discuss the nuances between upright and reversed tarot cards and how to interpret them in your readings.


cards are those which are drawn in their normal position, while reversed cards are those which are drawn upside down.

Each type of card has a different meaning; for example, an upright card may indicate success or positive outcomes, while a reversed card may indicate failure or obstacles. It's important to note that not all tarot readers agree on the meaning of reversed cards; some believe that they simply indicate an opposite meaning to that of the upright card, while others believe that they have their own unique interpretations. When reading a tarot spread, it's important to pay attention to both upright and reversed cards. Some readers will read both types of cards in the same manner, while others prefer to differentiate between the two. For example, some readers may interpret an upright card as being indicative of a positive outcome, while a reversed card might indicate a challenge or obstacle that needs to be overcome. When interpreting reversed cards, it's important to consider the context in which they appear.

In some cases, a reversed card may indicate that the outcome of a situation will be different from what was initially expected. For example, if a card is drawn with an upright position, it might indicate success or good fortune; however, if the same card is drawn reversed, it could indicate that the outcome may be less favorable than anticipated. It's also important to note that there are no 'right' or 'wrong' interpretations when it comes to interpreting tarot cards. Each reader may have their own unique approach, and it's important to trust your own intuition and understanding when interpreting them. Finally, it's important to remember that tarot readings should always be taken with a grain of salt; they can provide useful insights into a situation, but they should never be relied upon as absolute truth.

Interpreting Reversed Cards

Reversed cards typically signify obstacles or delays in achieving one's goals. They may indicate a lack of energy or motivation, or even bad luck or misfortune.

When interpreting a reversed card, it is essential to take into account its position in the spread and any other cards which appear nearby. This is because the card's meaning can be influenced by the context of the surrounding cards. When a reversed card appears in a tarot reading, it can signify a period of stagnation, a lack of progress, or a feeling of being stuck. It may also represent a person’s self-destructive behavior or an unwillingness to change. In some cases, it can even indicate a negative outcome. It is important to remember that reversed cards should not be seen as exclusively negative.

They may represent a challenge or an opportunity to learn and grow. A careful examination of the surrounding cards can help to provide more insight into the reversed card’s significance.

Interpreting Upright Cards

Upright cards generally signify positive outcomes or trends in a person's life. They often represent good luck, success, growth, and positive change. When interpreting an upright card, it's important to consider its position in the spread and any other cards which appear nearby. When reading a tarot spread, the context of the card must be taken into account.

Upright cards are often interpreted as a sign of positivity, and they can represent growth, joy, and success. However, it's important to note that the context of the card can affect its interpretation. For example, an upright card in a spread might represent good luck or success in the present moment, while a reversed card could indicate a potential setback or obstacle that needs to be overcome. It's also important to consider the cards around it, as they can provide additional information about the meaning of the card. In addition, each tarot card has its own unique symbolism and meaning. When interpreting an upright card, it's important to look at the card's imagery and interpret it according to its traditional meanings.

A tarot reader should also look at the overall context of the reading and consider any other cards which appear alongside it. Tarot readings are complex and unique to each individual. By understanding the differences between upright and reversed cards, tarot readers can gain a deeper insight into their readings and gain a better understanding of how to interpret them. Upright and reversed cards can provide valuable insight into a person's life and can help guide them on their journey. By understanding the meanings of each card, readers can gain insight into the past, present, and future of a person's life. It's important to remember that there are no 'right' or 'wrong' interpretations when it comes to tarot readings; each reader has their own unique approach and should always trust their own intuition when interpreting the cards.

Tarot readings can be a powerful tool for self-reflection and personal growth, helping us to better understand our own lives and the world around us.

Bridgette Vitek
Bridgette Vitek

Lifelong music specialist. Infuriatingly humble tv trailblazer. Web junkie. Hardcore twitter aficionado. Evil social media enthusiast. Freelance pop culture evangelist.

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